Welcome to our Molokai Mahina 2.0 MoonBot site!

Our Team!  

Hi Judges and other STEM knowledge seekers! Thanks for looking at our website!! At the very top of our page there are links to additional pages, and on the right side of this page we have links to some of our work. Enjoy our site, and thank you for taking the time to check us out!!

We are a team of 4 students from the tiny island of Molokai in Hawaii. There are only 7000 people on our island which has no Walmart, McDonalds or even streetlights! There are no buildings taller than a palm tree and we have limited resources here so we look for opportunites such as the MoonBots Challenge as a way to expand our knowledge and challenge ourselves.

   We had the opportunity to try First Lego League on our island two years ago and have been interested in Robotics ever since! Within the past three years, S.T.E.M. education has really begun to expand on our island. Through a 21st Century Grant program and Maui Economic Development Board: Women in Technology grant we are now able to offer CAD, JR. FLL, FLL, and VEX Robotics, Bridge design, space exploration classes and even a new solar powered greenhouse.

 This is Molokai Mahina's second year participating in the Google Lunar X Prize MoonBots challenge! We have two veteran participants and two rookies! Having participated in last years challenge helped us to prepare for this years challenge because we could use the things we learned from our previous experience and what we learned from other teams. When we didnt advance to phase 2 last year, we still continued on with our class and attempted to build our own challenge course, which we hope has better prepared us for this year.

   We are enthusiastic about the opportunities this competition offers us regarding lunar exploration and the variety of ways we can utilize our mahina and beyond. (Mahina is the Hawaiian word for moon!)

Contact us at jennwhitted@gmail.com !

Our Work! 

Below you will find some of our Google Lunar X Prize Foundation work. For more information on our process, please view our blog!  

MolokaiMahina2.0Proposal.docx MolokaiMahina2.0Proposal.docx
Size : 27.948 Kb
Type : docx
moonbots_2011.lxf moonbots_2011.lxf
Size : 20.289 Kb
Type : lxf

Newspaper Article

The Molokai Dispatch did an article about our team, here is the link:


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